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We care about our clients’ privacy.

Please read this policy carefully. If you have any queries,

please let us know by phone or email at

By entering our site, visitors will be accepting our privacy terms & conditions.

At AFHA, we hold privacy in the highest regard. Our commitment to securely handling visitors' and clients' data is unwavering. We maintain a robust ethical bond with our visitors, employing cloud-based data protection technology to safeguard their data from unauthorised access.

We use cookies to track your activities, such as your queries, page views, and the date and time of your visit so that you can have a better experience when you visit our website again. We collect data from our visitors solely to improve our services. This data is used for assessment and analysis, enabling us to enhance your experience of ourservices.

We collect specific types of data from our clients, including their names, contact details, emails, company data, English proficiency test scores, experience, and educational backgrounds. If clients contact us directly, we may ask for additional information to determine their eligibility. 

We maintain a highly encrypted database to store all data securely.

At AFHA, we are committed to the highest standards of data security. Our employees strictly adhere to the company's privacy policy and are committed to not sharing any client information with anyone outside the company.

This Privacy Policy section applies only to online visitors and does not apply to any information that might have been collected offline.